2nd Filomena (2015)
Date: September 2nd to 4th
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
This edition was organized by João Daniel Dantas , Sanderson Molick and Evelyn Erickson as part of the NAT@Logic 2015.
The participants were:
The book of abstracts is available here.
The Proceedings of the 2015 edition were published as a Special Issue of Revista Saberes. You can download the full Issue here. The special issue was edited by João Daniel Dantas, Patrick Terrematte and Sanderson Molick and the contributions were:
- Ben Martin (UCL) - Dialetheism and dual-valuation logics.
- Damián Szmuc, Eduardo Barrio, Federico Palios (UBA) - Logics of Formal Inconsistency with a transparent truth predicate.
- Lucas Rosenblatt (UBA) - Non-contractive paralogics.
- Gabriele Pulcini, Walter Carnielli, and Achille Varzi (UNICAMP) - Is complementary classical logic actually a logic?
- Jonas Arenhart (UFSC) - Understanding paraconsistent contradictions.
- Sanderson Molick (UFRN) - On logical pluralism and non-Tarskian entailment.
- Evelyn Erickson (UFRN) - How to be or not to be a logical pluralist.
- Daniel Durante Pereira Alves (UFRN) - From Commitment to Indifference: a critique of Quine’s formalist naturalism.
- Bruno Vaz (UFRN) - Diagramas, Fórmulas e algo mais: Uma reflexão sobre os ingredientes das demonstrações matemáticas a partir do exame de provas por Reductio ad Absurdum.
- Francisco Gomes Martins (UFC) - Meaning and composition as procedures.
- Carlos F. Brito, Francisco G. Martins and Francicleber M. Ferreira (UFC) - Intensions as Algorithmic Semantics.
- Márcia F. Farias, Ana T. Martins and Francicleber M. Ferreira (UFC) - Logics with relational fixed-point operators.
- Carolina Blasio (UNICAMP) - Up the hill: on the notion of information in logics based on the four-valued bilattice.
- Claudio Pizzi (UNISI) - Conditional Antinomies.
- Vincenzo Ciccarelli (UNICAMP) - Abstraction and extensionality as conflicting principles at the origin of set-theoretic paradoxes.
- Giuseppe Greco (TU Delft) - Displaying Dynamic Logics.
- José Sérgio Fonseca (UFPI) - A consciência emerge da matéria? O fisicalismo real de Galen Strawson vs o Pós-Fundamentalismo de Robert Hanna.
- Maria Cristina Sparano (UFPI) - Uma contribuição ao tema da consciência corporificada.
- Ana Cláudia Archanjo Rocha (UNIMONTES) - A importância da esfera transcendental no pensamento lógico e metafísico de Wittgenstein.
- Hudson dos Anjos Benevides (UFRN) - O que é o problema das constantes lógicas?
- João Daniel Dantas (UFRN) - On Slingshots and Plural Logic.
- Alberto Leopoldo Batista Neto (UFRN) - Logic, culture and rationality.
- Emiliano Boccardi (UNICAMP) - Temporal passage and the Logic of Absolute Becoming.
- Samir Gorsky (UFRN) - A philosophical view on algebraic semantics for modal logics.
The book of abstracts is available here.
The Proceedings of the 2015 edition were published as a Special Issue of Revista Saberes. You can download the full Issue here. The special issue was edited by João Daniel Dantas, Patrick Terrematte and Sanderson Molick and the contributions were:
- Paraconsistent Contradiction In Context by Jonas Becker Arenhart
- Conditional Antinomies by Claudio Pizzi
- Termos Singulares Indefinidos: Frege, Russell e a Tradição Matemática by Daniel Durante Pereira Alves
- Uma Visão Filosófica Acerca da Semântica Algébrica para Lógica Modal by Samir Gorsky
- Sobre as Relações de Consequência Lógica e Semânticas Multivalentes by Carolina Blasio
- Galen Strawson, Robert Hanna e a Metafísica da Consciência by José Sérgio Fonseca
- Uma contribuição ao tema da consciência corporificada e a Lógica do Corpo by Maria Cristina Sparano
- A importância da esfera transcendental no pensamento lógico e metafísico de Wittgenstein by Ana Cláudia Archanjo Rocha